Roger Eaton, born in Queens, NY. 

1944. That's a splint on my little finger -- a tennis accident. Behind me is the house where Sandy and I live in Santa Monica, California. Here is our beautiful back yard.  My life is dedicated to making our Humanity 2001 project succeed. It may seem odd, but I am convinced we have a good chance at it. Alas, much of my time is spent working for a living. I play the lotto. Here's The Trial of Job, my own translation and interpretation of the Book of Job.

Roger Eaton
  *** We need volunteers! Please join us! *** 
I've been a programmer at Princess Cruises since 1981 or so. A lot of the members of the CCI Board are from Princess because one thing led to another. CCI really is a small organic grass roots organization.

More particulars - from 1973 to 1981 I worked in a print shop near USC. I was gassed in Berkeley for People's Park, lived in a hippie commune, worked at Gnomon (a xerox shop) and later for Laura X's women's library. Before that I managed to get an MA in history from Northwestern. In the early 60's I was a member of Students for a Democratic Society. We organized in Chester PA, where the symbol of the city was a huge roll of toilet paper at the Scott company, summer of 1964. I grew up around Boston - Bedford, Winchester, Lexington. It was public school for me and various Sunday schools - Lutheran, Church of Christ, Unitarian. Seems like it was another time then.

If you have a chance, please look up my translation of Job at That is the work that has given me the most pleasure.
HI - here's InterMix in a 1976 incarnation at my old apartment in East Hollywood. 
CCI Board Meeting 1988 
1988 CCI Board Meeting. 
Click for 110k version. 
Leigh Baker (Secretary, then), 
Ronald van Ammers, myself. 
thin and 34 
Same apartment, me & dinosaur mural, 
1978. 34 & thin. Click for 111k gif version - 
it's worth a look! Thanks to my friend 
Kent Kanouse for these old pics. (here we are)

CCI Home Page

last changed July 11, 1998