Goals for San Francisco and More Voices of Humanity (VoH) uses crowd-source technology (voting on messages) to give women, men, youth, middle-aged and seniors each a collective voice. Empowered with the gift of speech, these great divisions of the human race will join together with humanity-as-one to weave a tale of love and wit. Through this new lens we will come to see ourselves as the intelligent, generous and capable species that we are, giving us the trust and confidence we need to cooperate on pressing global matters. Bringing the Goals of the UN Home to San Francisco: #ungoals4sf Organize Locally, Connect Globally. The Voices of Humanity San Francisco based team aims to persuade the SF Board of Supervisors to pass a resolution establishing a UN Goals Advisory Committee that will develop detailed proposals how the goals of the UN may best be supported / implemented by the City. The resolution will cover each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), human rights, CEDAW, nuclear disarmament and world peace, with a blanket clause covering all the other goals of the UN. The plan is to build a civic / academic / business / government coalition for a “collective impact” project to get the resolution passed. Voices of Humanity will provide the needed “continuous communication” tool and the team will build the coalition from the ground up, all the while looking for a “backbone organization” to partner with and grant money for outreach staff. We are getting up to speed with our new Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack and expect to have assembled a working team and begun serious outreach by July of 2019. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are coming down to the city level in any case, so our efforts are likely to succeed. New York and Los Angeles have already adopted plans to implement the SDGs. By including peace and nuclear disarmament along with the SDGs, San Francisco will take the lead in building a global network of cities for all the UN Goals. At every level, from city to state to nation to Planet Earth, the six Voices of Humanity will provide the sense of unity we need to hold such a massive network together. See a draft copy of the proposed San Francisco Board of Supervisors resolution here. More Directions for Voices of Humanity Smile for Nuclear Disarmament (#smile4nd) is a Voices of Humanity smartphone app soon to be available in the Apple Store under the name “smile4nd”. The smile4nd app enables users to post their smile for nuclear disarmament with a short message or, to give it some humor, to post their scowl against nuclear weapons. People (some people) do like posting their scowl! You are invited. The app will be enjoyable and easy to use, but more to the point, your participation will help to get the Voices of Humanity social medium off the ground. We will use this app to bring in people from around the world with the aim of having posts from a thousand cities by the end of 2019. Organize Locally Connect Globally. That is the motto on the VoH logo. Once we reach the 1000 city goal, the next step will be to organize local in-person nuclear disarmament groups at the city level. Even before the app is ready, you may sign up and post your smile/scowl here.
Voices of Humanity uses a “both/and” strategy to overcome the us-vs-them mindset that makes international cooperation on global issues so difficult. How does it work? Imagine a collective discussion between the Democrats and the Republicans in America. A simple back-and-forth dialog would just widen the divide. But if we alternate between red and blue together and red and blue apart then we give voice both to America-as-one and to each of the country’s two major parties separately. In this way we build a sense of American unity that respects American political differences. The same together-and-apart process applies to the nations and humanity-as-one. Hardliners in each nation will have to choose whether to participate in a forum that both supports their nation by giving it a voice of its own, and also supports human unity. Hardliners who refuse to take part will effectively marginalize themselves. Please see A Plan to Capture the Center and Marginalize the Hardliners. Other possibilities for together-and-apart include gender, age and religion and the goals of the UN. Within each nation, political and cultural distinctions such as party, tribe, ethnicity, race, caste and so forth may also be implemented. Together and Apart will be fully implemented by July, 2019. The Women’s Movement Voices of Humanity will implement a global “together and apart” collective dialogue between the women and the men. The women are expected to take the conversational lead in the dialogue and that global strength will reach down to the local level to empower women of all ages. The men will follow. The Women’s Movement already transcends the nations and religions, so there is no contradiction between its goals and the aim of Voices of Humanity to build an intelligent and kindly global consciousness. More than that, with gender equality built into the process, the Women’s Movement stands to benefit greatly as Voices of Humanity momentum grows. The Interfaith Movement The interfaith movement is well positioned to be a catalyst for a heartfelt human unity that respects diversity. There are many positive global movements that are looking for ways to cooperate. People are thinking hard about how to foster cooperation across these “silos”. There is the women’s movement, the labor movement, the social justice movement, the indigenous peoples movement, sustainability movement and climate action, the peace movement and nuclear disarmament, the social justice movement, the UN SDGs, and the list is only begun. While many in these movements see the Interfaith movement as an ally, we must realize there is little interest in trying to bring all these movements together under an interfaith banner. Our aim must be to bring everyone together under the banner of human unity – always with respect for diversity. Voices of Humanity can help us do exactly that. Plants and Animals (PandA) The PandA app will give a collective voice to the Plants and Animals. Funding will be needed to get the app coded, but it is such a great idea, we can believe it will happen. The initial PandA app will be meant primarily for high school and college student classes under the guidance of a teacher, however, it will be open to general participation on the web. Students each choose a plant or animal that they will represent in global discussions with other participating students. Homo Sapiens will be a valid choice. Students may think of themselves as a particular member of the species with a name they give themselves. Natural features, such as oceans, rivers, lakes, forests, deserts, mountains and the like will also be valid choices. Each species will have its own community, where only students who have selected that species participate. For each species, there will be a corresponding twitter account, and there will also be twitter accounts for Plants, Animals. Land, Water, Air and Mother Nature. Highly rated messages will be automatically tweeted. U2 Bono of U2 fame is an ardent proponent of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. If we can persuade him to answer collective messages posted by U2 fans, we will see rapid growth in VoH participation. And there is no reason we could not open up for other celebrities to communicate with their followers as well. Of course VoH needs to get off the ground first. That is where you, the reader, come in. What You Can Do
About Voices
of Humanity is a
project of Collective
Communication, Inc. (CCI), a California non-profit.
us in GuideStar. Roger Eaton, Founder and now
Executive Director of CCI is current project coordinator.
As of January 2017, Bronwyn Galloway is President of CCI
and with her lead we are looking to bring in more women
from around the world to the CCI Board. The VoH online
community is implemented via InterMix
open source software at github under the GPL
v3.0 license.