Collective communication, the Humanity 2001 project and our InterMix BBS software have implications for various groups on the web. If you are a netizen or a Delphi programmer or from L.A., or if you take the big view of Humanity, etc, we want to find you, exchange email, talk or have lunch if that is convenient, and of course we want to list you here on our page of Web links. When our online volunteers knock at your email door, please do ask them in for a chat. Align with us to create an intelligent and believable collective voice for humanity. With your help we will succeed!!!
May we include your link here? It's people-to-people more than website-to-website networking that we want to foster, so we are making it a rule not to list anyone without explicit permission. This way we have to go out there and make contact.
Or better yet, join us. Be an online volunteer or send a tax deductible donation or just say you are with us. Moral support is important. Write to us. Send us a picture or a URL to your homepage. Let us list you on our Who are We? page, not just here on "Who are You?". Here is our postal address:
Collective Communication, Inc. c/o Roger Eaton 2407 31st St. Santa Monica, CA 90405
Flemming Funch, who originated the New Civilization Network in the first place, is a computer consultant, counselor, futurist, networker, and, amongst many other things, he wrote the Transformational Processing collection. Every month or so, Fleming organizes a "New Civilization Salon" here in Los Angeles. A schedule of Salons is now available online. Flemming is truly making a difference, gradually convincing people by simple example that they have permission to trust each other again within the New Civilization framework.
Max Sandor is a computer scientist, philosopher, counselor, and student of ancient Buddhist texts. He operates the Internet server Author of the PhiloFi e-mail series 'Logs of JD Flora', he is offering various CD-ROM titles. See the CD-ROM of all Web sites on and the 'JD Flora CD-ROM'. He is currently working on a multi-lingual edition of 'CodeWars', a collection of some of his short stories.
John Helion Tibayan of Santa Monica has a free Directory and Calendar of Events for spiritual and humanitarian visionaries at the Global Visions website of his Creative Resources Guild nonprofit. Most intriguingly CRG has plans for internet broadcasting. That is a direction ardently to be pursued. We will be looking for ways to cooperate.
Roger Weir is a dear man, an original thinker, lecturer and author, part showman, all Doctor of Civilization and teacher. Something new, something old. Catch his Saturday 10:00 AM lectures at the Bodhi Tree, 8585 Melrose Ave, L.A.
Nigey Lennon and Lionel Rolfe are fixtures in the radical offbeat publishing scene here in Los Angeles. But Lionel voted for Clinton! See Nigey's Los Angeles Institute of Quantum 'Pataphysics site/homepage.
Danny Krouk is a personable young man who is bound to have a positive impact on the city. His website at NKLA - Neighborhood Knowlege Los Angeles is a must for anyone interested in L.A. neighborhoods, particularly in housing issues.
Nick Arandes will help you Manifest Your Dreams. Recognize the immense power that resides deep within you. Nick is involved in the Season for Nonviolence here in Los Angeles.
Steve Lockwood, pianist -- mp3 here.
A Season for Nonviolence --
Jan 30 through April 4, 1998 -- the 50th and 30th anniversaries of the
assassinations of Gandhi and King. A 64 day national and international
educational, media and grassroots campaign to promote the principles and
practice of nonviolence.
Lots of big name sponsors. The L.A.
Season Task Force is over 100 strong halfway through December 1997
and growing quickly. The Agape
church in Santa Monica (soon moving to Culver City) has plunged in
to sparkplug the L.A. effort -- but make no mistake, this is not an exclusivist
movement. We will be providing an InterMix Hub for the Season.
The Club's Forum page quotes from the "Manifesto on the Spirit of Planetary Consciousness:"
Tom Mandel, is co-editor of the Wholeness Seminar and editor of the ISSS Systems Inquiry Primer Project -- a collective essay in systems theory: "Dedicated to the introduction, study, understanding and application of the Systems Sciences -- collectively, the science of Wholeness, expressed in terms of the common language."
Systems theory appears to be part of the answer. How are we going to
organize ourselves, us billions? That's the question. Stay tuned.
Gaiamind. Website for a coordinated world wide meditation, January 23, 1997. The links from this site are great, and there is a fascinating essay on global consciousness by Richard Tarnas at The Passion of the Western Mind.
Lois Nicolai at the World Citizen Diplomats site is excited about the potential of the internet to forward the WCD agenda -- organizing citizens and elected officials to connect the nations and cities of the world people to people. WCD is an excellent organization with a thoughtful approach, worthy of your support.
Roan Carratu has developed a strategy for implementing personal "workbots" to make the world a universal delight. If you have never worked with a robot yet, you don't know how wonderful they are. Truly. Robots are an idea whose time has come! Also a bunch of good links there. Visit Roan's Synertec Strategy site. But first we need to link the world, and that's where Roan's strategy looks remarkably similar to our own here at the Collective Communication site.
Contacts in the Religious Communities
These are momentous times. Christian unity alone: it is hard to imagine what it must mean. And put that within a larger framework of human unity -- well, it boggles the mind! Yet we need only assemble a few thousand persons in a world wide set of electronic forums to represent humanity. Easy as it seems to accomplish, that little unity, open, inclusive, democratic and founded on nonviolence, will be supercharged with glory. No doubt about it, this is a religious transformation we are talking about, and it needs the participation of the world's religions to succeed. We need your help. We are asking for your help. Please hear us!
"We believe that the spiritual transformation of global culture can
arise through a cooperative network system, that brings together into one
linked context the highest insights of all religions, and coordinates the
participation of millions of people." This is the credo of the UCS,
and we think so too. We can link millions in a cooperative network
of all peoples and religions.
Stephen A. Fuqua
is a Physics student at the U of Texas at Austin. His website, Unity,
is a great starting spot for links to the Bahai faith. And his essays on
the future of humanity are worth a look.
Dale Lature is an earnest young man with a dream of community in his heart. See his website, New Media Communication, out of Cincinnati, for links to the Christian Ecumenical movement. A fine essay by John R. Mabry "Cyberspace and the Dream of Tielhard de Chardin" is there, too.
Steve Kurtz is the U.S. contact of the Gaia Preservation Coalition. The GPC aims for negative population growth. This is not a truly all-popular position! But since we don't know what the earth's human population capacity is, and since when (and if) we go over that line, we probably still won't know it for a decade or two, we should all worry a lot. GPC can't do all the worrying for us, so take a look.
Software Collaboration on the Net
Our Recommender technology promises to be a contender in the arena of collaborative filtering software.
Gregory Wright and Paul Stevens are developing a Global Suggestion Box. This is a database of ideas structured by category with ratings. attractively displayed by colored bar. Greg has posted an idea to have a lottery to be the first person to enter the year 2000 -- if you win, you get to be at the exact South Pole at midnight Dec 31, 1999. Paul Stevens is the programmer, in the Netherlands. Gregory Wright lives here in Los Angeles (Sherman Oaks). He thinks all of us working on this line should find ways to cooperate. Yes indeed, let's!
A Brazilian contact through Gregory Wright: Márcio
Director of Strategy
World Ideas Network - WIN3
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko has a bright site sparkling with ideas and alternative futures at Located in Harvard Square, he was until recently intimately involved in Firefly technology development, and now hangs his hat at MIT Media Lab.
Steve Moyer and Tod Harter are developing NODES. Nodes is a java navigator for the web. It will allow the user to rate web items on the spot. There may be a good fit here between NODES and InterMix.
The Net as a Mind for Humanity
Our metaphor is the individual as neuron for the collective mind. If we understand better how the individual mind works, we can use that knowlege to build a more intelligent collective mind. That is our program. If you have thoughts on this line, please let us know.
Terry Alden
has lifted the veil on another world at his Technosophy
web site. His essays are thoroughly enjoyable guides to terra incognita
from an original mind, touched by McLuhan with esoteric overtones. There
is a connection, too, to our own efforts to engineer a collective mind
for the world. Here's hoping to hear from Mr. Alden.
The highest values promote freedom of choice for the individual, according to Dr. Buchanan. His is by no means a simple minded laissez faire approach, however. Positive social action when coordinated by value -- e.g. "the well-being of mothers and children, nutrition and education" -- can make sense. Negative feedback has also an important role to play in maintaining an environment.
Dr. Bruce Buchanan is a retired family physician. After postgraduate studies in psychiatry and management sciences he served as a senior policy advisor in the Ontario government for over two decades, a position which gave him opportunity to consider human values from a practical as well as political standpoint.
Turland is an independent thinker of the sort we need more of.
His thesis
is worth a look. Chaos as a bridge between religion and science, and the
stars as our destiny!
Why not? Peter has been helping to list InterMix with the search engines
and his artistic friend Julie designed our lovely
InterMix logo. Many thanks to her and to Peter. If you would like to engage
Julie's artistic services for your own website or publication please get
in touch with her thru Peter.
Bapty Oates has developed a theory of the mind, consciousness
and truth. So we know he is very smart. Is he right?
Well, I can't say no, and I always remember that all those people with
all their contraptions thinking they could fly finally came up with hang
gliders. Guess what, we
can fly! Here is the link and
an introduction in John Bapty Oates own words:
It sets out to discover the truth about humanity and its world. It does
attempt the huge and impossible task of uncovering and interrelating
knowledge in detail. What it does do is to take account of all essential
knowledge and correlate it by way of clear, unbiased and honest
resulting in humantruth.
This website's chief revelation is this. We confine ourselves and our
affairs to the sphere of the conscious mind. The conscious mind is
because it is incomplete, and is therefore incapable of encompassing
That is why we and our world are in a chaos of misunderstanding,
disagreement and conflict.
To be completely human we have to submit our conscious selves to our
higher, but largely ignored mind, the postconscious, when we shall
supraconscious and live according to humantruth and in cooperative
At present our only link with the postconscious, the source of our
values, is the still small voice of conscience. Truth, humantruth,
is the
function of the postconscious, and our true nature is to be supraconscious."
drawing "You & Us" © 1996 by Sandy Chaves |
last changed July 14, 1998