UN Day Banner

United Nations Association - San Francisco
Voices of Humanity - Order out of Chaos

The UNA-SF much enjoyed celebrating UN Day on October 23rd, 2011, and the "Voices of Humanity" project as a new social media for global activism. With about 120 attendees and good media coverage, we raised awareness for global issues in the community, and created a place where everyone has a voice. See the event page on facebook. You can still join us online for our continuing journey.

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For the online portion of our event, we elected a message addressed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. This message is detailed below. We hope to have the message delivered to the Secretary General and to receive a response. Going forward our next target is to elect a message to the Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet for International Women's Day this coming Summer, 2012.

At the UN Day event in San Francisco, the authors of the nine national winners, with the flag of their country  in hand, simultaneously read all the elected national messages in a wonderful chaotic burst! Following the chaos, the one message elected to represent the world was be read by its author standing by the UN flag. This message represented the order the world needs to come from the current chaos. Video will be available soon.

The Message Elected Overall to Represent the World

Dear Mr. Secretary General,

I truly believe that the equilibrium of human existence and earth's resources can occur in my lifetime. Through extensive travel, my accumulated knowledge of the human spirit is inspiring and I know that every society shares the same basic goals for health and wellbeing of their families.  I would very much like to see more UN emphasis on ensuring basic human rights to clean food and water.  Without these basic needs, the primary education of the world's children and other Millennium Development Goals cannot be achieved.  The general public is powerless to rise up against the forces of the global industrial food complex and we so desperately need a non-government entity to provide global guidelines and oversight for food production and the protection of natural water resources.  What we allow others to do to the soil and water will affect the very existence of life itself.

 -- Jennifer Wagner, UNA-SF Board Member

About InterMix
InterMix is community software designed to promote a gentle human solidarity. We are now open source at github under the AGPL license. The intention is to progress to a collective intelligence capability, but we begin with the more doable collective communication function. InterMix debuted for the Oct 23, 2011, Order out of Chaos event of UNA-SF
Voices of Humanity
Collective Communication

More information

Last changed November 26, 2011.
page maintained by Roger Eaton
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InterMix is also known as XimRetni.

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